Insulated Conductor System

  • Insulated Conductor System
Insulated Conductor System

Bringing for you the perfect and the most efficient insulated conductor system in best of varieties and types which will completely suit your requirement. This classic insulated conductor system is offered by us in different materials.

We have aluminium and copper in different dimensions that will suit your purpose. The durability of this insulated conductor system is also magnificent. Hence, this is kind of must order!!

  • Technical Parameters
Type Material Currency (A) Outside Size (mm) Phase Distance (mm) Length (mm)
W19 Aluminum 150 19 × 25 35-80 4500
WT19 Copper 150/200/300/500 19 × 25 35-80 4500
W24 Aluminum 250/300 24 × 32 45-80 6000
WT24 Copper 500/600/700/800 24 × 32 45-80 6000
W32 Aluminum 320/500/630/800/1000/1250 32 × 42 80 6000
WT32 Copper 800/1000/1250/1600 32 × 42 80 6000
W52 Aluminum 1500/1600/2000/2500/3000 52 × 66 100 6000
WT52 Copper 1600/2000/2500/3000/3500/4500/5000 52 × 66 100 6000